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Vex Creed Character Sculpt DEVLOG 9 (Feb 26 - Mar 10)


I wanted to focus on getting more work done on the hair. Vex's hair is supposed to be fluffy, wavy, and choppy. I started by remaking the blockout I made at the end of the last devlog.

I made this blockout slightly based on the last one I forgot to save, but I added more sections to make it more detailed. From there, I worked on making the hair more detailed. I did this by using spheres I deformed. I put them together according to the chunks I outlined in the blockout.

It was here I decided I'd keep the major chunks of hair as separate subtools. I still want to try hair cards on this sculpt later on, but for now, I'd have the sculpted hair I like to do. I kept working on the hair, focusing on face-framing pieces first as these would be the more detailed bits.

I got all the pieces of hair populated, from there I had to make some decisions on if I would dynamesh them together.

I generally don't like it when I dynamesh the hair tubes together. I think it loses a lot of the expressiveness once it's dynameshed. I decided to keep the groups separate. This does mean the internal geometry was not dealt with but I decided I'm willing to go in and delete those faces individually when I need to topologize. I will hate my decision when I do topology. I'm thinking for my next project I'll keep hair pieces that fly away as seperate subtools so I can dynamesh and sculpt the main part of the hair and keep those from getting eaten in the process.

Next Steps

I'll be focusing on the clothing for the next few weeks. I'm going to first get a good blockout of the dress shape and layers, and I'll work from there.

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