The Sum of All the Parts
My focus this week was getting the body proportions right and adding in all of the parts of the base mesh. Basically, finishing the primary forms. I was working for over 40 hours at my jobs this week so I'm pretty proud to say that despite that, I achieved my goal. I first finally attached the head to the body and then I added on the toes.
I made the toes by using cylinders but now I realize it might have been way more efficient to use zSpheres. Oh well, note for the future. I think the legs feel so much more put together with those toes on them. It's such a fun part of the sculpt and it made me super excited for what I was gonna do next.
I did the majority of the work this week on a day I had off from both jobs. This is when I made and attached the rest of the parts.
I started with the hands. I tried making a new set of hands but then I remembered how much I hated trying to make hands from scratch, so I just brought in one of my hand anatomy studies and attached that. I know I gotta practice drawing and sculpting hands more but I decided I didn't wanna do that for this project. I'll just make sure to work on them when it comes to the finer details. I know I struggle with making fingernails look good, and Vex has long noticeable ones. I'll need to make sure those look good.
All of the dynameshing and zRemeshing completely ate up the eyelids I made. I had to make new ones and that would be the final thing I would need to dynamesh on.
I went ahead and did that and added more details. I did this thing with the ears where I did them super wrong because I wasn't looking at real ears and just looking at the ears in my mind palace. I looked at real ears and fixed them.
I also added in the base for the teeth. I'm trying to not go too high in subdivisions too quickly, so that's why it looks crunchy at the moment. It's a tendency I have but at the same time it's also a tendency of mine to not go high enough in subdivisions and details, so it's a balancing act I'm trying to work on for this project. I like the way it's looking so far, The face is starting to look right. The lips still bother me a whole bunch but the only way those will look better is when I go higher in subdivisions.
Possible Setbacks
The reason this devlog is a day late is because I had surgery yesterday. I didn't wanna force myself to make it if I wasn't feeling up to it but thankfully I've been coping very well so far. There probably won't be a whole lot of work on Vex this week because I want to keep this time open for me to just relax and not stress out over getting stuff done.
Next Steps
Now that all the parts of the basemesh are attached, it's time for me to go into secondary detail. I've pretty much already started on that on the face. A lot of Vex's design is asymmetrical due to all her scars and the knicks in her ears, so those parts will probably have to wait until the very end of the process when I'm going much further in detail. I also have to decide if I want to do something painterly. I don't need to decide that until I get into tertiary detail, but it would be good to have a plan about that now.